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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

How to add/remove a stock to watchlist ?

How to Add stocks to the watchlist ?

1. Login to the website using your email and password.

on the top menu,

Login/Free Registration --> Login

then, type your email and password, and then click login

2. Look up a symbol, For example, type "IBM" in Symbol box, and click "GO"

On the Right hand side of the Summary Bar in gray, you should see "Add to Watchlist".
Click "Add to Watchlist" to add IBM to the watch list

Repeat the processs until all the symbols you want are added.

3. To view your watchlist, go to "My Watchlist"

You will now see all the stocks in your watchlist
( If you wish to remove a symbol, you can click remove on this screen. )

Regards, Team Analysis - Conglomerates Analysis - Basic Materials